
The ploimers, are really big molecules (that´s why are also called macro-molecules), they are composed by hundreds or thousands of atoms, at the same time have a molar mass of million of grams. Those molecules are needed for different vital processes, like transmition of heredital characters, or reparation of tissues, as the nuleic acids and proteins.

The macromolecules are clasified in organic syntethic polimers, natural polimers and proteins.

The organic polimers are composed by thousands of atoms of hydrogen and carbon. The smaller chains that are repited on the molecule are called "monomers".

They are extracted by adition and condensation reactions, or, in the case of proteins, by the function of RNA (ribunocleic acid).

Those polimers made by only a class of monomer are called "homopolimers", and the otthers, which are made of more than one kind of monomer is denomined "copolimpmers".