Nucleic acids

The nucleic acids how are the DNA and the RNA are the responsibles of the genetic information.

The nucleic acids are formed by nucleotide chains, are composed by a nitrogen base, a phosphate group and a sugar. Depended for the sugar that this take is a DNA or RNA. The nitrogen bases can be of two groups.

Pyrinidines: Cytosine, Timine and Uracil

Purines: Guanine and Adenine

In the DNA can found matings of Timine, Cytosine with Guanine in the nucleotide chains.

In the other case, the RNA have Uracils, Adenine or Cytosine with Guanine in their chains.

Chemical nature of the DNA

Correspond at two chains antiparallel of nucleotides united for phosphate groups, with their bases matings to under and rolled up around of a central imaginary axis, this making a double propeller. This has how pentose the desoxyribose, that link bye the phosphate group forming the chain esquelet. In under are located the nitrogen bases that mating for th formation of hifrogen bonds. Always mating a nitrogen base purine with a pyrimidine, for that the secuence of both chains are complementary.
All is in the next image

DNA funtion:

The genetic information are stored in the secuence of nucleotides of DNA, serve to two purposes:

#Is the source of information for the synthesis of all molecules of proteins of the cell and the organism.

#give the information inherited by the daughter´s cells of the progenitor.

Both funtions require that the cells of DNA serve how mold, in the first option to serve for the transcription of the information, in the second case for the replication of the organic codes that contain the estructure of the living being.

Chemical nature of the RNA

In this is present the sugar “ribose”. This indicate o the position 2 of the ring of sugar have a hidroxile group (OH) free. For this case, the RNA is chemicaly inestable, for that in aqueous solution hydrolyzes easily. In the RNA the base mating with tha A is U in difference of the DNA, in this case theA mating with T, forming the nucleotide chains.

Several types of RNA are distinguished depending, above all, on their molecular weights:

Messenger RNA

It is synthesized on a DNA template by the transcription process by which the RNA is copied from the DNA template, passes into the cytoplasm and serves as a guideline for the synthesis of proteins (go to the ribosomes for its use).

Ribosomic RNA

Ribosomal RNA (RNAr) as its name says is present in ribosomes, intracellular organelles involved in protein synthesis. Its function is to read the mRNAs and form the corresponding protein, in short, it receives what the messenger RNA brings and with the code and the information elaborates one or more proteins.

Transfer RNA

They are short chains of a basic structure, which can bind specifically to certain amino acids.